He's one of 'those' guys. The Token Odd Guy He's the novelty item in your class, in your batch, in your college, in your office. He's that slightly eccentric cousin that you would see twice or thrice a year. Always in his own grove. However you interacted with him, you either hated him for being that way or just felt like he didn't belong. Uncomfortable when he was around. He would be there. Smiling, laughing, doing his thing. He would be good at the things he did. A little arrogant at times. A little silly. You don't remember him being a great person. He made that good first impression. Everything after went down hill. He isn't likable. No. Not at all. But he has great entertainment value. And that counts for something. He is praised and he is allowed room to move about. He talks in riddles and says he swims through the space time continuum. Or something like that. It doesn't matter. You have your laugh with or at him. Sometimes he's helpful when you need him. But he's not a nice guy, you tell your friends. He's an asshole.
He has good friends though. More likable friends, if nothing else. You wonder how they put up with him. They joke about it as well. You wonder whether they're just jesting though. You're friends with his friends. Maybe you're in a relationship with one of them. You could never imagine being with him though. Never. You don't know why. Even if you're one of his friends. He's just not... Well you've never thought of him in that light. He's the Token Odd Guy. He must remain in his place.
And plus, he seems happy with himself. Too happy with himself. Content. How dare he? He is so full of himself! Loud and proud. Though you've never really talked to him, person to person. If he made a bad impression the first time, there's no question of really wondering how he actually is though, Is there? Because let's be honest. He isn't even there more often than not. Both physically and mentally. Why is he ever here anyway? He seems to have this glorious life around him anyway. Such a freak, you say to yourself when you've been thinking of him for too long.
But why are you thinking about him? He's nobody. He's one of those guys. The Token Odd Guy. He's not one of us. No matter what he says. No matter what people will have you believe. He can't be!
But what if he is? Maybe he's made of the same stuff has the rest of us. Maybe he's caught up in a shit storm for most of the day just like the rest of us. Maybe he isn't the Token Odd Guy. Maybe he's not one of 'those' guys. Maybe he could be your friend some day. Maybe he'd wrap his arms around you and tell you that everything's going to be alright. Maybe he'll high-five you when you succeed in whatever you set out to achieve. Walking by your side throughout the journey.
But then you hear a loud voice. A louder laugh. You turn around and there he is. Token Odd Guy. Such an Asshole.
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