Friday, January 1, 2010

Simple Translations...

The following is something I ended up writing in Hindi...
But I don't really know how to type in Hindi on a computer...
So this is kind of a rough translation...
Though I must say that that no matter how hard I try, the richness of Hindi can't be duplicated in English...
At least by me...

So what's the difference? You know... The difference between the two of us... Between you and I. What makes us so different? I mean... Look at you... You're phenomenal. And it's so evident. The way the words flow out of you... The way you're able to push through the bullshit come up with something so raw and fantastic without the least bit of effort...
Or at least that's how you make it seem. But I'm pretty sure that that's the way it is. Isn't it? I was just reading something you wrote the other day and I honestly can't believe how effortlessly you do it. I mean... Think about it...

It's like we're on opposite sides of some weird sort of scale.

One one end, you stand there, not above the rest of us, no. That isn't you. But on a different plane altogether. A messiah of sorts. Leading the way and showing us light were there is none. Often, with those excellently placed (music)notes you pick us all up a little. But just enough to leave a bit of us on the ground. Gently letting us down a little later so as to remind us that we're all just the same. To remind us that we're human. To keep us humble.

On the other end, I stand in the middle of oh so much. Confused but not disheartened at the situation I'm in. An ocean of thoughts and words and notes and sounds inside me all yearning to be let out. But where you prevail so flawlessly, I trip and stumble horribly! It's a battle to give physical form to the impulses inside me. A resistance of sorts holds me back. Makes it difficult for me to express them. Often, when I am successful in creating some sort of output it is often distorted and changed due to that resistance.

You stand there and smile as I tell you this, mainly because you know what I'm going through. In all probability, it is because you've been through the same. But maybe it's because you find it amusing that someone could actually have so much trouble in getting something that is so natural to you done.

But what can I do? What is, is.

What helped you get through it?
What helped you break through and break free from it all? Maybe it's the fact that you've been at it for much longer than I have. But for some reason I find that argument unacceptable. I don't know why. But my gut tells me that it has nothing to do with how long you've been around. It has lots to do about how deep you've gotten within yourself. How much of yourself you've uncovered.

Something tells me that there's a lot more in us all... And that the deeper we'll go, the more we'll realize how connected to it all we are. To the stars and the moon and the clouds and the trees. To each other and to ourselves. Just imagine...
On a subconscious level, we're all connected. And those connections, from what I gather, are those notes and sounds and words. Yes! Your notes and your sounds and your words!

If you can see them, then why can't I? Don't get me wrong, I know that they're there. But I just can't see them. And even if I do manage to do so, will I really be able to bring it through to the outside world? To this physical realm? I really don't know...

And so till I do know, I shall simply have to do with what you see. What you give out to the world. What you make Good Sir. Whatever you make.

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