Monday, December 12, 2011

Law, Comedy and Philosophy.

I have my Logic Semester Exams in about 10 Hours. Well, exactly 10 hours if my watch is anything to go by. But hell, man's gotta write when a man's gotta write.

I wish I could focus on my Logic Textbook. But I have this feeling it'll be alright.

I keep thinking if the way I look at the world is any better than how anyone else looks at it. And honestly, the answer is pretty simple. It isn't. The idea in my mind that we're all just individuals on different planes. None of which are higher or lower than the others and are members of a number of circles that intersect our positions on our planes seems to hold true. A friend of mine, Isha, think's I think too geometrically. Ah well...

But it makes sense. We all go through our cycles. We're incredibly happy and optimistic until we're too tired to be so and then we go back. Well at least I do. Hell, read the rest of these badly written blog entries. You'll see. But somehow, for some reason, the amount of time I stay happy and motivated (in spite of the shitstorms that keep passing through my life) keeps on increasing.

Which makes me think of something else, stray with me, won't you?

I remember talking to people, on a number of different occasions, about how absolutely stupid some people's problems are. I have always tried to defend  these random people with the argument that one's problems are one's own problems. And their magnitude is something that only the person going through the problem can decide. Of course, it doesn't hurt to accept that like all things, your problems too, shall pass.

So we come back to what I was rambling about before.

I keep having these problems where I feel like I'm positively fucked. And for all practical purposes, I am. But hell, I figure something out. I get all pumped up and figure things out. Hell, my last post shows just that. (Oh and don't worry, I'll explain the whole Swadharma scene to those of you that care) But what's peculiar is that things that bother people around me blow right past me now. I wish I could say that I've made some sort of philosophical breakthrough but I haven't. I just feel that other shit is  a bigger issue now.

As for the comedy bit in the post heading, well I think I'm performing on the 22nd. Details will be up on the facebook page. If you haven't like it already, button's on your right folks. Like my Page! Fuel my Ego!

Better get back now. G'night folks.

Jai Ramji Ki.


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