Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

It's almost the end of the year and man... What a year it's been.

I just got back from Pune today. Spent half of Christmas in a car and the other half in an old as hell ritual at home. But I can't complain. Cause I got a pretty awesome Christmas gift this year. One of the best I've ever had.

I was in Pune at my friends home from the 23rd to today. On the night of the 23rd, we (We being Meet, my world's bestest friend, his folks and two of their friends) were all up waiting for the clock to strike 12 since it was Meet's parent's Anniversary the next day. I had my Ukulele with me and so I was singing them a few songs. From what I understand, they really liked the songs and as the clock struck 12, we cut a cake and the friends got ready to leave. When we opened the door, on the grill of the outer door was a note:

"Wow... Sweet Voice.. Nice Composition... Over all best. All The best for a  bright future."

The note was from the neighbour. I replied with a thank you note with the link to my soundcloud page. I had just gotten one of the best Christmas gifts ever. The fact that someone was able to connect to and feel the music even through a (thin) wall was the best thing I could've gotten. Things have been hard on the creative front lately. And this was the best sign I could've gotten that things aren't so bad. And that there's always something good in the wind. 

I met the neighbour as I was leaving the apartment today. I thanked her again. Christmas. I guess I felt that Christmas spirit today. Life's good.

Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Unplugged @ The Big Mic!

Here are the videos for that night!

Mr. Man:

My Girl:


Share it if you like it man! And like it if you... like it? :P

Like button on your right folks! :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Rajkot and the Big Mic.

Got back form Rajkot on Sunday.

Performed at an Open Mic night in Bandra on Monday. Videos will be up Soon.

Till then, here's a short film I worked on. Gave the concept and the back ground score.

Tell me what you think I say! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Law, Comedy and Philosophy.

I have my Logic Semester Exams in about 10 Hours. Well, exactly 10 hours if my watch is anything to go by. But hell, man's gotta write when a man's gotta write.

I wish I could focus on my Logic Textbook. But I have this feeling it'll be alright.

I keep thinking if the way I look at the world is any better than how anyone else looks at it. And honestly, the answer is pretty simple. It isn't. The idea in my mind that we're all just individuals on different planes. None of which are higher or lower than the others and are members of a number of circles that intersect our positions on our planes seems to hold true. A friend of mine, Isha, think's I think too geometrically. Ah well...

But it makes sense. We all go through our cycles. We're incredibly happy and optimistic until we're too tired to be so and then we go back. Well at least I do. Hell, read the rest of these badly written blog entries. You'll see. But somehow, for some reason, the amount of time I stay happy and motivated (in spite of the shitstorms that keep passing through my life) keeps on increasing.

Which makes me think of something else, stray with me, won't you?

I remember talking to people, on a number of different occasions, about how absolutely stupid some people's problems are. I have always tried to defend  these random people with the argument that one's problems are one's own problems. And their magnitude is something that only the person going through the problem can decide. Of course, it doesn't hurt to accept that like all things, your problems too, shall pass.

So we come back to what I was rambling about before.

I keep having these problems where I feel like I'm positively fucked. And for all practical purposes, I am. But hell, I figure something out. I get all pumped up and figure things out. Hell, my last post shows just that. (Oh and don't worry, I'll explain the whole Swadharma scene to those of you that care) But what's peculiar is that things that bother people around me blow right past me now. I wish I could say that I've made some sort of philosophical breakthrough but I haven't. I just feel that other shit is  a bigger issue now.

As for the comedy bit in the post heading, well I think I'm performing on the 22nd. Details will be up on the facebook page. If you haven't like it already, button's on your right folks. Like my Page! Fuel my Ego!

Better get back now. G'night folks.

Jai Ramji Ki.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

They'll Ask You.

One day they'll ask you.

They'll ask you what I said when the world closed every door on my half hippie ass.

And (hopefully) you'll tell them.

You'll tell them what I say now.

I can not give up on my Swadharma. 
I Will not give up on my Swadharma. 
I'll push till I have to. 
Burn till I must. 
Die in the process if the grand scheme of things leads me so. 
But I will not back down. 
I will not stop. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


My buddy Dhaval recently wrote about a wish list...
Made me wonder about what I'd want on mine...

So here are some things off the top of my head.

I wish I could sit and watch the sunset at chowpaty with a few good friends and some conversation simulators, not bothered about what I would have to get back to once I stepped out of the sand and onto the pavement.

I wish I could sit in a room and be horribly honest to my parents about everything on my mind and not be reprimanded or punished for what I felt.

I wish I could buy and restore and old Fiat Premier Padmini to full glory with an epic new engine, sound system and what not.

I wish I could play music to people. Sing them songs, sing with them. I wish I could perform some stand up for them, make them laugh and smile and forget what lay outside that little world we created for those few moments.

I wish I could spend three months in a Buddhist Monastery with a notebook, pen. ukulele and tea.

But then I realise that I honestly can't sit wishing for too long... And that I need to study for my three exams tomorrow. But one day. Not some day, that's too indefinite. One day. I'll make all those silly wishes come true.

Jai Ramji Ki.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

A realisation

Love is God. God is Love. Honest Music is Love. Love is Honest Music. If we collectively let go of all that holds us back and find that one song that we all love,  we can all find God. We can all find Love.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I met a man that plays guitar and sings songs recently. I listened to him play and as I did so I asked him a question. He didn't reply. He was too focused on the music. Made me smile.

In my mind, there's this one difference between the average fellow and an honest musician. People Listen. Musicians Feel. Can't think of any other difference. Can't think of anything I'd rather be than an honest musician.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I know. I know that when you're in the dark, it's better to look for the light. That you can't let yourself get used to the situation you're in. Can't get used to the dark. I know this... I know that even if you can find a speck of light in the distance, things around you will brighten up. I know that while you stand in the dark and look, Hope will keep you warm and faith will keep you fed. I know this... I know.

But tell me this, isn't it better to stop looking and let your eyes adjust to the dark? To stop fumbling around, bruising your shins on this and that and just sit down and get used to what you're in? I asked myself once, if it was getting brighter, or if I was getting used to the dark. I think I've gotten used to the dark. I'm getting used to the cold. I know there's supposed to be a better way, but what if I'm just too tired to continue looking for it? Maybe it's just time to set up camp and make the most of where I am.

Friday, November 18, 2011


I used to believe that love transcends all things. That it is the most powerful energy a conscious can posses. I still do. Except now I realise that man kind is not ready to accept and give love. Am I more evolved than the average person I encounter? Are those that are like me more evolved? There's no physical evolution among humans anymore. Maybe mental evolution and adaptation is the next frontier. Have some others and I taken that leap and breached that shell our minds tend to be encased in my out initially induced states of existence?

I can not tell for sure. But what I do know is that even if we have, it make sus no better or worse than anyone else. Because we are all whole, no matter how we may appear. Yes, we are at different positions, but not on the same plane. We all have are own planes, I believe, and are part of our own circles that connect individuals on different planes. We are all complete. We are all Nothing. And we are all Everything.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I had two thoughts today that I thought I should mention before they're lost in the sea of memories in my brain.

I was wondering what makes a friend, i.e, what differentiates an acquaintance or a fellow traveller from a friend. And I really couldn't put my finger on it. Sometimes when I think of the topic I tend to feel a little betrayed by my friends. A voice inside me says that they're never really there for me when I need them. 

"Too many phone calls made in vain?" I ask.

"Too many times when they didn't know what to say" It replies.
But I disagree. My friends are wonderful people and I am, in every sense of the word, Blessed to know them and be able to walk alongside them in this path that is life. They're good at heart and wish me well. What more can I want? 

"Nothing" says a part of me.

"The right words at the right time." says another. 

"Sometimes the smallest things are the most ridiculous to ask for." I tell myself and end the debate. I was looking for answers to some questions the other day and I came to a conclusion. It's nice and easy and quick. If your friends do some of the things wikipedia says they should do, they're your friends. Here's the list:

  • The tendency to desire what is best for the other
  • Sympathy and empathy
  • Honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially in terms of pointing out the perceived faults of one's counterpart
  • Mutual understanding and compassion; ability to go to each other for emotional support
  • Enjoyment of each other's company
  • Trust in one another
  • Positive reciprocity — a relationship is based on equal give and take between the two parties.
  • The ability to be oneself, express one's feelings and make mistakes without fear of judgement.
  • It is very important to have honesty, trust, sympathy, respect and helpfulness in friendship

Wikipedia makes me happy.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Trivial Pursuits...

Trivial pursuits keep me up at night...
I walk around my room thinking up a million possibilities. Some make me smile and some make me sad. I try and get through these silly games my mind plays. Thinking of what will be or not be based on incomplete ideas in my brain. I feel like calling up my friends. Waking them up to tell them ever so excitedly about whatever half baked goal it is that I'm after. But I always seem to chose otherwise.
This sense of restlessness is almost too much, Do I pull back and wonder waht could've happened for the rest of my life? Or do I go in, head first. A cannon ball into the 6 foot deep swimming pool that is life.

But what does it matter man? Even with me trying my best, nothing seems to be working out. Or am I not working hard enough? All my friends seem to think so. I'm perpetually stuck in  a zone that seriously sucks man! Seriously.

There's a...

Ah fuck it. No point talking about it here man. Can't have the wrong people reading it now can I? Let's just hope things work out. That everything falls into place. I can not have mysef looking back at life cursing myself for not trying hard enough. Better jump in soon.


Busy is good. 
Busy is fun.
Busy keeps me sane and lets me live a little more than usual.
Busy makes me wonder, and ponder, and blink.
Busy is what I am today. And will be tomorrow and the day after that.
Busy is a way of life. A philosophy that is all consuming all knowing and all accepting.
Busy is nothing in particular but everything at once.
Busy makes me happy and tired and wise.
Busy makes me unhappy, energetic and silly.
Busy is Nothing and Busy is Everything.
Busy is me. And I am Busy.

Jai Hind.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Poem? Poem.


These wisps of smoke
they rise above
imposing on

A spot of ash
upon my shoe
resting with

A man of thoughts
and views and books
and things of little

Lies awake
but sleeping still
absorbed in all his 

A beam of light
comes into view
the sun above
it plays a game

Of hide and seek
within the clouds
until they part
and make it rain

And everything
is washed away
with little noise
and pretty show

And wisps of smoke 
that rose above
come gently floating
down below

Gently floating down below...

Saturday, September 3, 2011


I've been mellow lately. Mellow songs, mellow words, mellow thoughts, mellow smile.. Though people get me excited every now and then, I come back to being mellow every time. The silence just makes more... Sense. People come up every now and then and ask me what's wrong. Nothing's wrong. I get confused when I think about why they don't see it.

There's a bitter-sweet sort of happiness. The kind of happiness you get every now and then. When you touch the source. The River. I accept, I am nothing and I am everything. But I feel it now more then ever.

Every now and then, I run into another soul. A fellow traveller or friend. They help me release what I feel into the air and onto the scrapes of paper around me. And it's all so... Mellow. :)

So mellow. I feel so mellow thee days. :)

New Demo! :D

Smit FINALLY Got his Electric! :D

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


No Good Sir. Nothing is going well. Nothing is right. And as always, I'm struggling to make things fit. And No Good Sir. I am not giving up. I am not going to stop. And as always, I am going to get through. Somehow... Somehow...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Words on this and that...

I've been trying to think of something clever to say lately. Haven't really been able to do so. But ah well...
I think I'm just going to talk about life instead. It's so much easier y'know...

I started Law College at SVKM's Pravin Gandhi College of Law. Crazy scenes? Indeed!
And between that Audio Engineering. random extra-curricular shit, music, agony-uncling and what not... I've been a little short on time. Which is good! No really! It is. It's friggin Epic. :)

I'm writing an entry today, after far too long a time, because I finally have some time on my hands. Time is a rare commodity. I'd sleep lesser to get more of it (I'm clocking about 4.5-5 hours of sleep these days) but I don't think my body would approve.

Have you ever noticed how beyond a point, shit that should depress you just makes you laugh your ass of? Happened to me recently. I was 'betrayed' so to speak by a certain someone and all I could do, quite honestly, was, well... Laugh my ass off. Cause come on! Life is so funny re! It's a mad man with a vibrator just waiting for you to bend over to catch your breath after you spent what seemed like forever running after something that now seems useless. Trust me man. That's comedy gold right there!

But seriously man. I'm happy. I really am. And though the weather of my mood tends to change. The overall climate remains the same. Happy. How do I know this? Because every time I'm asked if I'm happy by anyone (including me), I can't help but smile. It took a lot of understanding and a lot acceptance to get to this state of mind but damn! It feels good! :D

Of course, understanding and accepting your emotions doesn't mean you don't feel them at all. So the unbelievably shitty things that have happened recently have made me feel a little sad. But dude! There is waaaaaay to much stuff to be happy about. And that's the way u-huh-u-huh I like it! :P

Whenever I'm sad. I just be awesome instead. (Is that grammatically sound? Dammit! Lack of sleep is a bitch!)

But enough for now ladies and gentlemen! The Fat Man must work a little and get some sleep!

Good Night and Good Luck.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Mad Keyboard Lezim Scenes!

When my buddy Smit Bhagat and I get together, we end up doing seriously random stuff. Most of the times, this involves music!

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Fucking Funny Man!

Just a little while ago, I saw  a video of a friend of mine, Karunesh Talwar doing a little stand up at Cafe Goa. Check this shit out!!!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dum Laga Ke Haiyya! :D

Saw this outside college the other day. The guys were taking a break when I asked them to throw a few more! :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Closet Superhero Lyrics!!!

Here is the Song!

Here are the Lyrics:

It wouldn't matter if you were home,
I'd feel just as alone,
I guess I am just feeling Low,
I guess I'm just too scared to show.

And it would be nice if you could,
Show some heart some times.
And It would suffice if you would,
At least pretend to care.

Cause you were my closet super,
Cause you were my closet super,

Monday, May 9, 2011

Android, you make me smile!

So I was headed back home from the gym with Ma and Pa and I was trying to figure out how the voice dialing and texting worked on my dad's Samsung Galaxy S. I pick up the phone and say "Call Aakash Mobile"

The phone replies with a list of numbers to call. First on the list was "Call Occasional Wife" !

I couldn't stop laughing! The Phone had searched online for what it thought I said, (Apparently, Aakash Mobile rhymes with Occasional Wife in 1s and 0s) and given us the list.

My dad says he doesn't like the phone much. I still love it! I can't wait for him to get tired of it and give it to me! XD

Monday, March 21, 2011

Angry rantings of a Mad Man in the Making...

Let's all run armour clad through the streets. Let the bridges burn. Let the buildings burn. Let it all be brought down to dust. Let's destroy all that we ever built. Let's destroy ourselves. Let's remind those that ever caused us pain just what pain is. Let's ensure they and everyone else suffer. Let's ensure that they remember. That everyone remembers that day when it all came crashing down. Drop atom bombs and moltoves and the truth on to every being that we hate the most. Let the cities burn. Let the naxalites and the seperatists destroy our ways of living. Let our perception be destroyed. Yet our ideals be destroyed. Let out emotions be let out. Let it pain. Let it hurt. Let it crumble down around us as we fall to our knees, elbow deep in rainwater and blood looking up in pain and dispair at the sun that never came out, hidden by the clouds. The black, black clouds of death and despair. Let it al be over. It it all be done.

Now let the next day come. Let the clouds part, let the sun shine. Let us look at the world again, destroyed. Finished. Brought back to the very beginning of itself. Let there be Clarity of Thought. Finally, Clarity of Thought, and Action, and all that is true. Let us begin once more, correct all that we did wrong. Let us start afresh. With all that we lacked before. Let it begin once more, if only to fall and be rebuilt again. Let it happen every day and every minute and every second of our lives. Let it go.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mad Man in the Making

Ever ferlt like you're losing it? I feel that every day. Like I'm losing it a little at a time. But hey! What do I know! But think about it. Look around, and you'll realize that somewhere in the middle of every room. At the end of some random phone line or text conversation, there exists a mad man in the making, Someone that's slowly losing it at a time. Watch out for those man... Watch out...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

On The Bus Preview!

Lyrics and info are in the Description! :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Seeds Part 1

At 10PM on a Saturday night, a fat man in a South Mumbai theater has a bout of inspiration. A little seed comes into existence inside his brain that, if planted, sheltered and watered just right could become something life-changing! But at that point of time, all of the fat man's energies are focused at sustaining the seed just long enough to be planted into some firm soil somewhere outside this theater.

At A quarter past 5 on a lazy Sunday evening, eight fingers and a couple of thumbs beat away incessantly on a little white keyboard. Letters flash on to a screen. A seed is planted.

A few years later, as the fat man and his friends watch as silent standers-by, that very idea is ruthlessly cut down. A Multiplex is made instead. An idea dies.

Of course, sometimes, a stray seed from a fallen tree is carried further than expected. A little sparrow at 4AM sings a little seed into Somebody's mind ever so gently and from there the idea drips into a little garden that our Mr. Somebody has maintained for far too long without a fruit. A few years later, a revolution occurs. All because of what happened in a South Mumbai theater at 10PM.

Ideas are wonderful. Nai? So wonderful in fact, that I'm going to write about them some more!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Application's done! All the required material's been sent in to NYU for a admission into the Music Technology program!  Now all that's left it for them to say "Come On Over Ustaad!" or something like that! Let's hope I get through!

Hope! Hope I Say!